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Give Your Students the Key to Writing Success!

Unlock their writing potential today with engaging and easy-to-follow lessons designed for all learning types.

WritingKey™ is an online course series that teaches young people to write using the Powerful Paragraph a UNIQUE, PATENT-PENDING WRITING METHOD developed by our founder over two decades of one-on-one tutoring. We offer quick lessons that prepare students for the types of writing they will face in elementary school, middle school, high school, and in life.

Writing clearly is the key to success in every endeavor - SAT's, grant writing, job applications...the list goes on.

Our goal is to empower young people from all socio-economic backgrounds with the writing skills that will unlock their full potential!

A smiling young child stands smiling amongst othr children of the same

What Our Students and Parents Say

What You Get

A pen icon with a key on the reverse side
The Powerful Paragraph

Our foundational writing technique! In this first module, Andrew will show you why you've been having trouble writing in the past. (Hint: you're trying to do too many things at once!) At the end of the Powerful Paragraph's six short videos, you will be confidently brainstorming and writing solid, 5-sentence paragraphs.

A pen icon with a key on the reverse side There is an X on the right side.
The Advanced Powerful

After the Powerful Paragraph module, you're writing great paragraphs! Now it's time to take it to the next level. In the Advanced Powerful Paragraph, you'll learn to extend those paragraphs using more complex sentences, ideas, and editing techniques. By the end of this module, you'll be writing paragraphs that will impress even your teachers!

A pen icon with a key on the reverse side
Applying the Powerful

You're writing amazing paragraphs, so now let's apply them to the specific types of writing you're going to encounter! In The Applying the Powerful Paragraph module, Andrew will walk you through multiple different writing types. Short answer, persuasive, narrative - you'll want to come back to these later as you're assigned new types of writing assignments.

A pen icon with a key on the reverse side. An X is on the right side.
The Powerful Essay

Now it's time to put it all together and knock out that essay! You're writing great paragraphs, so let's put them together into an essay. This module takes the mystery out of essay-writing. You'll find yourself using these techniques in this assignment, and throughout your life!

A young man looks at a computer screen. Andrew Gibson tutors.

Periodic Weekly 'Office Hour' Access

Have a writing question? Pop into Andrew's Office Hour! Your WritingKey purchase entitles you to ongoing access to Andrew's group coaching sessions.

Learning Differences

Sometimes those with learning differences need a different approach!

A young boy sits at a desk with his head in his hands.

Students diagnosed with learning differences often struggle more with academics than their counterparts with no diagnoses. Since there is no way for teachers to tailor a curriculum that meets every single student’s needs, those with learning differences can sometimes be left behind. WritingKey™ was designed with these students in mind.

All aspects of the program were designed to assist students with learning differences in achieving the success their true potential allows.


Students who struggle with dyslexia have difficulty visualizing letters and letter patterns in the words they read and spell. This often transfers into a difficulty with grammar as well. Part of the writing process is proper usage of common grammatical punctuation marks (e.g., periods, commas, etc...) that make written works easier to understand for the reader.

WritingKey™ assists students in overcoming this difficulty by creating visual cues that allow them to more easily edit their written work for grammatical errors. Rather than having to rely on internal cues, students can use the visual cues provided by the WritingKey™ process to assist them with proper placement of grammatical punctuation marks.

Boy playing wit letters
Puzzl with one piece missing. In the absent space is the word ADHD.


Students who struggle with attention often find it difficult to write. When students who fit this profile attempt to write, they can struggle to come up with what it is they want to say, as their minds can jump from idea to idea. When students say, "I don't know what to write," what they're really saying is that they cannot focus on a single idea long enough to get it down on paper.

The WritingKey™ lessons are also well-suited for students who struggle with attention difficulties, as they are short and to the point. With the longest lesson being just over ten minutes long, students do not have to sit through unnecessarily long instruction. With longer periods of instruction, their attention inevitably drifts elsewhere, and they miss out on key information about the writing process as a whole. 

Executive Functioning

Students who struggle with Executive Functioning absolutely need longer tasks to be broken down into short, manageable steps. When students with this profile try to take on writing assignments, they can become lost in the seemingly endless details. Too often the result is a student sitting in front of a blank piece of paper or computer screen saying something along the lines of, "I don't know where to start!"

WritingKey™ takes the writing process and breaks it down into short, manageable steps that any student can understand and any student can do. Each short task takes students one step closer to completing the overall writing assignment, an otherwise seemingly impossible task.

Language Comprehension

Difficulty with language comprehension is a learning difference that often goes undiagnosed. Parents and teachers often see students with this profile as simply “not paying attention,” or “not listening.” However, difficulty with oral and/or written language comprehension can seriously impede a student’s ability to understand what is required in order to complete assignments involving writing. This is true for not only specific instructions for any given assignment, but it is also the case for the actual instruction on how to write at all. 


WritingKey™ is perfect for students who struggle with language comprehension. Andrew has extensive experience working with students with this learning profile. The language he uses is clear and easy to understand for any learner.

Students get face-to-face coaching with WritingKey’s creator - for free!

Your purchase of the WritingKey program also includes lifetime access to Andrew's periodic 'Office Hour' live group coaching sessions where he takes questions, gives writing examples, and addresses common issues he has seen throughout his over 20 years of tutoring experience.

You retain the option to pop-in to Andrew's 'Office Hour' if your student encounters a problem applying the method to new writing situations in the future.

A young man looks at a computer screen. Andrew Gibson tutors.
A mom helps her son with homework.

Homeschool Parents?

WritingKey™ is the perfect resource!

Homeschool parents need resources in order to best teach their children - just like schools do. However, parents who homeschool their children have to find them on their own. For these parents, WritingKey™ can provide a solution whether they’re looking for direct instruction, or would like to learn a method they can use to instruct their children themselves! Click below to learn more!

90% of students see IMMEDIATE results!

Many writing courses expect weeks of study, but that won't help with an essay due tomorrow!

Our Powerful Paragraph writing method is taught through short, quick videos that will make a difference immediately.

In just 45 minutes, your student will learn the foundational Powerful Paragraphtechnique needed to write with confidence right now, TODAY!

In just 2 1/2 hours for the entire program, your student will be able to easily apply the technique to every different writing situation he or she faces and tackle essay-writing with ease.

A young boy doing homework.